Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm joing Beverly today for Pink Saturday. Every week she has so many talented ladies post wonderful things for us to learn and enjoy,


Each year Spring brings a promise of renewal and I have been thinking of my little sheep lately. I want to start bringing out some spring things.

 I have a family of white sheep and they are grazing in my birdcage, I also discovered they invited another sheep to join them. PINK--the pink sheep in the family

.   She's adorable and I think she fits in just fine.

As I was looking on the web for all the adorable pictures of lambs, I found this adorable poem written about lambs.  The author is Beverly Randell, who has written children's books since the 1950's.

It's a finger play for Nursery and Kindergartner's to help them understand the season of Spring.

I think this little poem is adorable for any age child.

Hoping you have the pinkest of Pink Saturday's



Char said...

So cute. Yes, it's that time of year when we all want to bring out the spring colors and some Easter. What fun!
Happy Pink Saturday sweetie, Char

Lisa ~Suburban Retreat~ said...

HPS Ann! The poem is delightful as is your little pink sheep!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a cute idea!! Yes, I am the Black sheep in the family! My Mom always called me a gypsy because of my "wild" ideas!!



Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...
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Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

I just wanted to correct a spelling and it removed it...Anyway I love the poem and always your little sheep. My cage is almost finished! It is so big though I'm not sure where I will use it.

Annesphamily said...

Sweet lambs! I like the way you display them! That pinkie fits in perfectly. HPS and Spring is in the air! Come visit soon. Anne

genie said...

You definitely brought out my inner child this week with your little lambs and the vintage poem. Your posts always put a smile on my face. Hope all is well with you...came across your sister while blog surfing the other day. I tried to send her a comment, but I was having all kinds of trouble getting it to send so do not know whether she got it or not. Sometimes blogger does that to me. HPS.

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Yes, we are all waiting for Spring!

~ Gabriela ~

Holly said...

Oh, I love that - the pink sheep of the family! Yes, I guess I am and what better color to be than pink!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Jeanne said...

Pink sheep make me smile Ann. Your post is so sweet for today's PS. Pink is way better than black.

Happy PS.
Hugs, Jeanne

Mecky said...

That is cute.
But oh those shears. Ouch!! I would hate to try to use those.

Shirl said...

Hi, Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your post this week!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Nancy said...

Aww - that's so darn cute. Love your little 4 yr old you picture on the pony...adorable! Have a fabulous weekend. :) Nancy

Coloradolady said...

This is such a cute post! What a wonderful little poem to go with your adorable lambs!! Have a great rest of your is a little cool here today...ready for some warmer weather!

Sue McPeak said...

Your lambs are so sweet, and what a neat way to display them. Love the illustrated poem. Thanks for stopping by for Pink Saturday....sorry you aren't warming up in Kansas yet! Hang in there...I'm sending you some Texas Sunshine!

Julie said...

So cute! Happy belated pink Saturday!

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