Tuesday, July 16, 2013


My A word is Aquarium.  After visiting the Scott Aquarium in the Omaha Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska last week I have plenty of pictures to share.

Not only is the aquarium a wonderful exhibit, there is also a desert dome, gorilla valley, orangutan forest , jungle-indoor rain forest, expedition Madagascar, cat complex, indian rhinos, bear canyon, butterfly pavilion and aviary.

The shark was swimming above us. 
I think he looks pretty grumpy! 
The colors are so beautiful and such intricate details on all of these wonderful creatures.


Hazel said...

Wonderful shots. I'd love to see Expedition Madagascar and the Butterfly Pavilion and Aviary.


Roger Owen Green said...

I love a good aquarium! Went to one a couple years ago in Mystic, Connecticut. Nice pics.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

New York Erratic said...

Wonderful aquarium shots. I hope next week is the butterfly pavillion!

Carver said...

Fantastic shots from the aquarium. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Hildred said...

Great shots, - it's a long time since I've been to the aquarium in Vancouver (B.C.) - it was always a favourite of the children.

photowannabe said...

Love, love, love the "Grumpy" Fish. What a perfect shot.

Aquarium is a great choice to start the 13th session of ABC Wednesday.

Joy said...

I love aquariums, you've got some great shots. I've never seen jellyfish in one though, what a treat.
Joy - ABC Team

Ingrid said...

That's another world !

Leslie: said...

You got some AMAZING photos through the glass and water! I really like the one of the jelly fish.

abcw team

ChrisJ said...

I love the one of the pink/orange 'Portuguese Man-of-Wars'(?) at least I think that's what they are. It is a great shot.

The Old Parsonage said...

Wow - amazing photos - love how vivid they are!


Theresa said...

Love these awesome pictures:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Lise said...

You've got some great photos of the Aquarium, makes me feel like I've been there!

Annesphamily said...

Such wonderful life under the sea! Amazing photos! Such fun to visit a wonderful place like this!

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