Do you like your NICKNAME? Did you get tagged with a nickname that fits you?
NICKNAME is a pet name, label, diminutive, epithet, sobriquet, familiar name, moniker or monicker (slang) handle (slang)
Collins Thesaurus of the Eng. language
After researching on the internet I found so many fun quizzes, games to play to see if your NICKNAME fits your personality.
Almost everybody thats well-known gets tagged with a NICKNAME - Alan Alda
These are some of the NICKNAMES that I thought of as I did this post.
Old Blue Eyes
Honest Abe
The Boss
The Duke
King of Rock n Roll
The States of the US - all have NICKNAMES:
Kansas - The Sunflower State
Missouri - Show Me State
I don't find these to complementary.
Do you or did you ever call your little girl your
There are thousands of example of NICKNAMES out there and so much fun researching some of them.