Monday, April 27, 2015

Oldest tree on Pikes Peak

For the letter O in the ABC Round I'm showing a picture I took on Spring Break.  On the railroad trip up to  Pikes Peak the conductor pointed out the OLDEST tree in the region.

It is the Rocky Mountain Bristle cone Pine and the carbon dating is over 2,000 years old.

The Pines grow in groves at high altitude and cold sub-alpine climates, the tree is native to the United States.

Linking with ABC WEDNESDAY



LV said...

Toured Pikes Peek a long time ago, but do not recall learning about this tree. Of course, my memory is not so good either.

betty-NZ said...

What a cool thing to see! I bet it could tell some stories.

Annesphamily said...

I love Peaks Pike. Nick will train up there this summer. LOL! He is funny, because he said the first 20 and last 20 minutes of their run was the hardest. I try to hike once a week with my daughter Rebekah and we dragged Noelle (smoker) last week. I was hoping she did not lose a lung! Pikes Peak is the only 14er I have climbed, in my younger days, and it is the highest! Hugs for this pretty share of my home state!

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