Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ABC M is for Mansfield, Missouri


About 17 miles from my birthplace is the little town of Mansfield, Missouri.  One of my favorite
authors Laura Ingalls Wilder along with her husband and daughter Rose lived there and this is where the Little House on the Prairie Books were written.

www.lauraingallswilderhome.com  is a wonderful place to visit and see the Rocky Ridge Farm home and other buildings belonging the family.  All of the Little House books are based on the places where she lived and grew up.

Below is the laptop writing desk that Laura's husband Almonzo built for her to use writing her books.

Here is a picture of the grounds and Museum on the farm.

A few pictures of Laura

Linking withhttp://abcwednesday-mrsnesbitt.blogspot.com  for ABC Wednesday



The Quintessential Magpie said...

Neat! I love "Little House" as does a young friend of mine. I will have to tell her to come have a look at your blog post, Ann. Thanks!



Carver said...

Great shots and idea for M day. I loved her books. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Roger Owen Green said...

my wife has been reading a book to our daughter
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

The French Hutch said...

Hi Ann, I've always enjoyed the Little House books and have the complete set. I would so love to visit this site. If I ever find myself in Missouri this is where you will find me. I enjoyed your post and photos.

The French Hutch

Wanda said...

Just love that second picture of her... So elegant!

Leslie: said...

I watched the TV program about her life right from when it started in around 1973 until its end. Plus I got the books for my 2 daughters. I would love to visit this place!

abcw team

Nancy McCarroll said...

Interesting post! love the little desktop

EG CameraGirl said...

I loved reading the the Little House books...and so did my daughters. :)

magiceye said...

Lovely take on the theme!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Haven't been to Missouri but would love to, someday!
Manok... find out what it is
Rose, ABC Wednesday

Martha said...

Have you read "The Wilder Life" by Wendy McClure? I learned I am not the only one to live in a "Laura's World", or at least want to. :)

Ingrid said...

How interesting, and the house looks so nice and cute !

Lynette Killam said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this post! Growing up in Northern Ireland, I didn't discover the Little House books until I was an adult, but have loved them ever since...:)

Lmkazmierczak said...

Sounds like a great place to visit....thanks for sharing♫

LV said...

You brought back great memories. I would enjoy visiting that place. I wish they made TV shows like that again. To answer your question today, regretfully, that is not my yard or even near me. Every thing around here has dried up.

Deb said...

Interesting post Ann thanks. Must have been hard work writing with a dip pen.

bj said...

I still love watching the reruns. My kids and my grands have all enjoyed it.
Thanks for all the info and I think this is the first time I've ever seen a photo of Laura. :)

Kate said...

This author is very familiar, born in Pepin, WI and spent some very early years in MN. Certainly well-known in these parts. Kate, ABC team

ChrisJ said...

I came to Little House... late in life. The equivalent books I remember in England were the "Dimsie" books. I wonder if anyone remembers them.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

It's been a number of years since I visited Laura and Almanzo's place. Thanks for the memories.

Annesphamily said...

Such a wonderful and informative post! My oldest still loves the series Little House... She read all of Luara's books and has several movies from the series.

Anonymous said...

Oh, fun! Ann - I'm right in the middle of a unit study with my home school students on Little House in the Big Woods. Loved this - we're all about Laura Ingalls Wilder this fall!
Kathy from The Writer's Reverie

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