Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It was a gas


"It was a gas". The term means having fun.

We had a gas seeing the honor band that our granddaughter is in. The 6th grade honor band played for a fundraiser at the high school.

She is the first trumpeter in the foreground.

Getting their applause.

The term may be connected to "laughing gas"(nitrous oxide)  first used by dentists in 1844, but it has not be verified.

Oh I'm SO GLAD for today and modern denistry!!

"Cooking with gas is another phrase coined in the late 19th century and early 20th century when gas stoves came on the scene.

The gas stove was touted as more efficient than wood-burning ones.

I bought GAS today, I'm loving the price.

Did I mention this was also a CHILI supper so GAS could also take on another meaning, but I think I'll end with that one.

Linking with ABC WEDENSDAY



Shooting Parrots said...

That made me smile, apart from the gas in the dentist's chair - too many painful memories!

Photo Cache said...

I did not know that saying. Thanks a bunch.


Hildred said...

Great take on G for Gas, - the sayig is familiar to me and these are good examples.

photowannabe said...

Love all the takes on Gas...wish our gas was that cheap. We're down to $1.79. That's really low for Northern California.

Janis said...

Now you're cooking with gas! Great post for "G". Our Gas in So Cal can be found at $1.99-$2.19 this week.

MelodyK said...

something like that always it.... remembering my days in such a 'band'

Have a nice abc-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Reader Wil said...

Gas is very important in north European countries. Although many people use electricity for cooking, I still use gas for cooking and also for the central heating.
Thanks for the new expression, which I didn't know.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Lea said...

A fun post!
Have a great day!

Roger Owen Green said...

"Jumping jack flash, he's a gas, gas, gas!"


Gattina said...

We have lots of gas heatings and cookers here in Belgium. It's cheaper than electricity ! BTW I am longing for spring too !

Su-sieee! Mac said...

The other day, I saw a sign for gas at $1.19/gallon. The next day when we filled up our gas tank, it was up to $1.29. We snoze, we lost.

Now and then, the Husband and I like to go listen to school concerts. They're enthusiasm fills up our heart tank.

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