Todays post is a tribute to a very special little girl in our church Annie. If you have read my other blog "Not Accidentally Tuesday" you know about 7 yr old Annie's battle with brain cancer. She passed away in July so this is the first Christmas without her. Her parents are such close friends of ours and they have been the model for any parent who has lost a child. Their faith has carried them through and they wanted this Christmas to be fun. Last weekend they had a Christmas party at their home, they wanted to celebrate the season and celebrate Annie's life.
They put up a tree in Annies honor and decorated it with all things "Annie". My hubby and I and our family find this to be inspiring this season and hopefully so will you. This is the time of the year that we celebrate our Saviors birth. He was born to comfort us and to be with us in times like this!!!
Her tree stands in the hall between her bedroom and her sisters bedroom.
Annie's pink baseball glove.
The garland is all of her wrist bands from numerous hospital stays.
Annies favorite butterflies.
The tree is decorated with all of her hair bows.
This pink hat she wore in a wedding in May of this year.

Her tree also is full of things she made in Kindergarten .
This is flat Annie--she carried it with her to all of her hospitals stays. Friends made it so she would know they were thinking of her.
There were about 200 people at the party and everyone laughed, ate lots of goodies and shed some tears too.
Hopefully you will be touched by Annie and maybe say a little prayer for her family this Christmas.
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