Tuesday, September 22, 2015


ABC Wednesday this week is on the letter K.  Kaleidoscope is defined by any complex pattern of frequency changing shapes and colors.

The name comes from Greek words - beautiful and shape. The Kaleidoscope toy was invented consisting of a tube containing mirrors of pieces of glass.

Did you have one as a child? I did and it was a favorite of mine.

As we were passing a fall garden yesterday the word Kaleidoscope came to my mind.

Thanks go out to the ABC WEDNESDAY team for their great work!!!!


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

J is for jammin

My J words this week:  jammin, joyous, joy, jewelry, jovial and jeans.

My Sister is in the health care industry and each year there is a fund raiser for KU Medical Center. The event is called "Treads and Threads" and is held at the Kansas Speedway.

She invited us and some others for the joyous event.  Sister is 2nd from left and I am next to her.

Here we are in our black-tie finery NO jeans allowed. Lots of sparkling jewelry though.

We were jammin to the "Bare Naked Ladies".

Many 5 Star Restaurants served all the food and drinks you could hold for the evening.

We had a jovial time watching the jeweled-toned fireworks.

Since 2002 they have raised over $8,000,000.  Many of the contributions coming from companies in our State.

Linking with ABC WEDNESDAY


Wednesday, September 9, 2015


About six weeks ago I planted Morning Glory seeds and all I have had is intertwined vines! My grands thought it was a weed.

I planted it along my wagon wheel but you cannot see the wheel at all. Maybe next year only a few seeds.

Today I noticed that I had some Morning Glories blooming. Yay!!

The wagon wheel IS IN there.

Intertwined vines.
Thanks go out to the amazing team of ABC WEDNESDAY


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hats Off!!!!


Hats off is an expression of  admiration for someone who has done something praiseworthy. Hats off to you is a sign of respect or congratulations. Hats off to Roger and Ms. Nesbitt for all of their hard work for keeping this alive.!!!!

There was a time in history when a mans wardrobe included a stovepipe hat and meant you were a member of the upper class, it was customary to briefly remove the hat as a sign of respect. Even though men's wardrobes have changed sometimes you still still a man tip his baseball hat in a game to show respect to the opposing team.

I was driving past a street the other day that had had quite a bit of construction done and I noticed these poles with top hats on - the caps look like hats to me.

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