Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Trench Art

One of the most interesting subjects to me is military history. Maybe because most of my male ancestors were in the Civil war, World War I, World War II and the Korean War.

I saw a special on television awhile back on "TRENCH ART", it was new to me but maybe you all are familiar with it.

Trench art is the art that was fashioned in the "trenches" during the war from military castoffs  especially artillery shells.

From Wickipedia:

A large dump of casings that the soldiers used to fashion their art.

A few beautiful examples I found:

Another thing that I discovered is that the TRENCH COAT originated from the coats that the officers wore in the conflicts.

The famous company " Burberry " was the first to design the trench coat.

Did you know that the raincoat you put on every spring was named from a coat for the trenches? I never realized that!!!

Hope you enjoy all the entries this week and remember to thank Roger and Ms. Nesbitt for ABC WEDNESDAY.



Terra said...

I learned two things from your post, the origins of those handsome trench coats and trench art which I had not seen before. I enjoy history too and am writing a children's book about soldiers in 1897.

Nonnie said...

My momma had brothers who served during WWII, but anything I learned about that war was from movies and documetaries, not my uncles. I have no idea if they ever discussed the war among themselves. I knew them only after the war. But I can imagine they were greatly changed.
I have always admired the style of the trenchcoat; I did not know the origin of their name. Nor have I ever heard of trench art- those shells are exquisite in their detail. Thanks for teaching us.

Reader Wil said...

I also learned some new things from you! These past few months we saw a lot of both WWI and WWII. I couldn't watch the German concentration camps with dry eyes. I was a POW myself at the age of 9,10 and 11 1/2 years old.But it was a Japanese camp in Indonesia( at that time still Dutch East Indies)
Fortunately the relationships between the Netherlands and Japan is good. Our King and Queen are friends of the Japanese Emperor and his family. Germany is also a befriended nation. Amazing, isn't it?
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Powell River Books said...

Finding beauty in the middle of the ugliness of war. - Margy

Reader Wil said...

I also learned some new things .The past few months we have seen a lot of movies and documentaries about WW I and WWII. I couldn't watch everything with dry eyes. As a child I had been a POW in a Japanese concentration camp in Java. The Dutch people in Indonesia had to return to the Netherlands, so we came here in January 1946
Wil, ABCW team

Roger Owen Green said...

wow, this is so informative.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

I had no idea that's where the trench coat got its name. Those casings are amazing!

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