Going to try to get back in the swing of blogging more often. Today joining Suzanne for VTT.
When I was around 11 or 12 my Aunt Doris and Uncle Bill lived in the same town as us. She was a book LOVER and read 2 or 3 books at a time.
Her favorite place to take me was "MACY'S ON TRACY'". It was actually a big Salvation Army store on Tracy street in downtown Kansas City, Mo.
One day we found this great old book, printed in 1907. "Shepherd of the Hills". If you're not familiar with it, it is the true story of living in the Ozark hills of southern Missouri- Mutton hollow. The land is in what is now Branson Missouri, Branson has created a whole park where an outside theater production takes place and tours of all the old farm buildings.
Hope you have fun with all you're Vintage things.