What does a persons signature reveal about them?
There are some signatures that are so recognizable wouldn't you say?
You can play one of those games that evaluate your signature, don't know how much truth it evokes.
I was curious so I took a test and it says that I'm confident and self-assured. That I am charismatic and outgoing. It's large and legible that means I want to be noticed and leave an unforgettable impression. That I'm comfortable showing my feelings and emotions and place a high value on personal relationships!!
Here's mine
My great grandfather was in the Union Army in the Civil War and was shot in the left shoulder. He applied for disability and his pension was increased from $4.00 a month to $6.00 per month. Here is a copy of one of the pages of his file that I own. I have about 200 pages of hand written information on him.
Look at the beautiful embellishment on some of the letters and can you imagine writing a file this big for every soldier in hand?
Since we pay so much of our expenses on-line now we don't get to practice our cursive as much but I do believe it is a beautiful art.
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